Competitive analysis, backlink analysis, web page access development compared to the same period last year, current rankings and opportunities for new relevant keywords analyzed.
In keyword research, we structure keywords by geography, product, positioning, and band. We focus on keyword combinations, called long-tail keywords, and analyze them for search volume and competition.
After selecting the most promising keywords from around 250 to 500 relevant keyword combinations, we incorporate them into the page structure. New pages are created, important SEO pages optimized and irrelevant websites rewritten.
In order to be able to implement the on-page optimization, we need an FTP and website administrator access. Also, access to the Google Webmaster Tools, Analytics and MyBussiness listing. If these Google Tools are not set up yet, we’ll do it for you. Once you agree with the analysis, we will begin to incorporate the keywords into the visible (e.g., headings H1, H2, H3, body, breadcrumbs) and non-visible portions (e.g., meta-data) of your website.
New links are created and broken links redirected. Images are labeled with ALT attribute for Google Image Search. External, existing entries are also adjusted and completed.
After all keywords have been assigned to the respective pages, the sitemap will be submitted to Google new to ensure that they are indexed by Google as soon as possible.
Bei der Betreuung erhältst Du einen zwei-monatlichen Vergleichsbericht. Wir vergleichen die Rankings zum Zeitpunkt vor der Optimierung und die Webseitenzugriffe/Conversions im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum.
Außerdem erhältst Du Auskunft über weitere Verbesserungen wie neue Backlinks, Crawling Fehlerbehebung, Google NEWS und neue SEO Seiten. Wir schreiben pro Quartal ca. 350 Wörter die auf externen Plattformen veröffentlicht werden und via Backlink auf Deine Webseite zeigen.
SEO Services
Our package offers in the field of search engine optimization.
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