Free Google Ads Campaign Analysis
Immediate evaluation
Thousands of analyzes have already been successfully completed!
Performance Check with the Google Ads Coach
- Free Google Ads Campaign Analysis with Industry Comparison
- Suggestions for improvement at a glance
- The analysis tests the following points:
- Local & mobile targeting
- Ad texts and ad groups
- Performance orientation
- quality factor
- Keyword optimization
- And much more.
Example analysis with industry comparison
In the first overview, you can see at a glance how much room for improvement your campaigns still have. When comparing industries, you have the option of your budget, click prices, quality factor and much more. to compare with the sectors of shopping, banking & insurance, tourism, commerce, advertising agency, business consulting, industry, trade & crafts, IT and transport & traffic.
Check 55 Google Ads settings at a glance, which you may not have known. The Google Ads Coach gives you a quick overview of how to improve your Quality Score, Account Activity, Performance Orientation, Local Targeting, Keywords, Ad Groups, Ad Text, Budget, and Landingpage Performance.
Improvements in detail
In all industry comparisons you will also find a detailed description why this point is criticized and how you can solve the problem as quickly as possible. We recommend repeating the AdWords test on a monthly basis to improve performance.
Conversion is King
Ultimately, all pay-per-click campaigns are about achieving the planned goals (conversions) to increase sales. Only those who know their business goals exactly and define them correctly can permanently improve their online advertising.